First In-Person Workshop since COVID Pandemic Yields New Insights into Health Facility Data

With lots of Stata, Powerpoint, simultaneous translation, and expansive Kenyan scenery, Countdown to 2030 and our partners the Global Financing Facility (GFF) convened a group of more than 100 experts from across Africa to share best practices for analyzing health facility data and to conduct analysis in a collaborative setting....

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            Countdown is working with Gavi to improve 26 African countries’ use of immunization data. The study’s objectives are to: Enhance country analytical capacity for coverage and equity of immunization; Produce annual reports on immunization coverage and equity, using all available data sources, with a focus on subnational levels, that...

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Countdown Annual Meetings

Since 2020, Countdown has hosted annual meetings for members of the country collaborations and other African countries with Global Financing Facility (GFF) investment cases, in partnership with the GFF, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the West African Health Organization. The workshops are part of an ongoing Countdown collaboration in...

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Some Highlights of 2023

Although the world is struggling to maintain past gains for women and children, as 2023 ends Countdown still has a lot to celebrate: We hosted our largest in-person Countdown annual meeting to date, with more than 185 participants in Dakar, Senegal, in June, in collaboration with the Global Financing Facility...

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Mozambique: Countdown Country Collaboration

The Countdown to 2030 collaboration in Mozambique includes the Instituto Nacional de Saude, the Ministry of Health, and the International Center for Equity in Health. The Countdown to 2030 country collaboration in Mozambique is led by Instituto Nacional de Saude, which works closely with the Ministry of Health, with technical...

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New Study Will Estimate of Vaccine Coverage in 25 African Countries

Countdown has launched a new partnership with Gavi, UNICEF and the World Health Organization to strengthen analytical capacity to measure coverage and equity of immunization and to improve the reporting of this data, using multiple data sources. This will include measurement of subnational coverage, in order to develop strategies to...

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Tanzania: Countdown Country Collaboration

The Tanzania country collaboration includes Ifakara Health Institute, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Institute for Global Health at the University of Manitoba. It aims to strengthen the analysis and synthesis of health data to inform national and local reviews of progress and performance in the context...

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Rwanda: Countdown Country Collaboration

The countdown collaboration in Rwanda is led by The School of Public Health/College of Medicine and Health Sciences/University of Rwanda (UR-CMHS-SPH). It will play an important role in supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) in building the capacity to conduct analytical work to inform the...

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Zimbabwe: Countdown Country Collaboration

Zimbabwe is part of the Eastern and Southern African country collaboration teams in Sub Saharan Africa under the Countdown to 2030. The nation’s team comprises the University of Zimbabwe, Ministry of Health and Child Care and Global Financing Facility .  This aligns with the National Health Strategy 2021- 2025, and...

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Data Uptake Series: Strengthening monitoring and evaluation of programs in Uganda

Uganda’s extensive work in monitoring progress in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) and other health services includes regular comprehensive annual health monitoring reports by the ministry of health, the district league table system to track local performance in place since 2003, and high-quality research by Makerere University....

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Project Goals for 2023-2026: New country collaborations, African fellowships and more

Countdown to 2030 will expand the number of country collaborations, launch three multi-country analysis projects, and mentor African researchers within the Countdown network through a new fellowship program, as it enters a new funding phase for 2023-2026. The Countdown collaboration will continue its global monitoring, measurement and accountability work, such...

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Data Uptake Series: Zambia 2022

This brief  by Choolwe Jacobs of the University of Zambia and Brivine Sikapande from the Ministry of Health discusses how the Countdown collaboration has contributed to the culture of data use. “We say, numbers don’t lie,” reflected Charles Michelo, professor at the University of Zambia during a June 2022 dissemination...

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How to Calculate Denominators to Track Indicators from Health Facility Data (Part 1 of 2)

Health facility data typically have provided only the numerator for indicators of interest, which makes it difficult to interpret time trends. But it is possible to calculate denominators based on two methods: population projection estimates and service utilization.  This article explains how to calculate denominators using population data, and a...

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How to Assess the Quality of Aggregated Routine Health Facility Data

Resources to assess the quality of routine health facility data related to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) are now available, based on resources developed for a workshop hosted by Countdown and the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Nairobi, Kenya, in June 2022 . Data from individual health...

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Burkina Faso: Countdown Country Collaboration

The Countdown to 2030 collaboration in Burkina Faso includes the Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP), GFF Burkina Faso country office and Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. It aims to strengthen country evidence and analytical capacity to inform national and subnational reviews of health progress...

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Uganda: Countdown Country Collaboration

The Countdown to 2030 country collaboration in Uganda includes Makerere University, the Uganda Ministry of Health, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the Centre for Global Child Health at the Hospital for Sick Children, and the Institute for Global Health at the University of Manitoba. It aims to...

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Countdown to 2030 works in Niger through the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in partnership with the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the Ministry of Health (MOH), UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, GFF, and Johns Hopkins University. The GFF collaboration strengthens country evidence and analytical capacity to inform Niger’s annual and midterm reviews...

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Mali: Countdown Country Collaboration

The Countdown to 2030 country collaboration in Mali is a partnership between Institut National de Santé Publique and the Johns Hopkins University. This project is tailored to the government of Mali’s needs to strengthen country evidence and analytical capacity to inform country annual and midterm reviews of health progress and...

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Kenya: Countdown Country Collaboration

The countdown partnerships in Kenya is led by African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and the Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology (JKUAT) as the lead research institution for the Kenya initiative. As the lead institution, JKUAT works closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation division in the Ministry...

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Ghana: Countdown Country Collaboration

 The Countdown collaboration in Ghana includes the University of Ghana, the Ghana Health Service and WorldPop at the University of Southampton. It aims to strengthen the capacity of the Ghana Health Service to deliver quality evidence through focused analysis at national and sub-national reviews of overall sector progress, as well...

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