Countdown to 2015 In-Depth Country Case Studies 

At the heart of its country level work, Countdown supports in-depth case studies of country progress for women and children. Building country-level capacity to conduct this type of in-depth research is a central objective of Countdown, leading to better technical work that is conducted within specific country contexts and helping...

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Countdown to 2015 Reports, Briefing Notes and Publications

Countdown to 2015 Reports Countdown launched its 2015 Report, A Decade of Tracking Progress for Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival: The 2015 Report, on October 19, 2015, at the first Global Maternal & Newborn Health Conference, held in Mexico City. Reports produced prior to the 2015 Report can be found...

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Archive of Countdown’s work 2005-2015

An Essential Accountability Tool With a focus on MDGs 4 and 5, Countdown to 2015 set out to promote accountability from governments and development partners by compiling, publishing, and reporting on critical data that indicate country progress — or lack of progress — in providing equitable coverage of effective health interventions...

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Pelotas workshop attendees

Country capacity-building workshop

Countdown workshop builds analytical capacity in 9 Countdown countries 21 June 2013 One of Countdown’s key objectives is to build capacity and skills in Countdown countries for performing data analysis using Countdown methodologies, enabling researchers based in those countries to produce high-impact scholarly publications in the field of reproductive, maternal,...

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Country Presentations

In order to provide in-country audiences with a clear, detailed understanding of the data in the Countdown country profile, Countdown has developed customized (and customizable) PowerPoint presentations for each of the 75 Countdown countries. These presentations can be useful both as an introduction to the Country Countdown process and as...

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Countdown to 2015 Experience at the Country Level

Countdown has focused on direct country-level impact since 2006. After the first-ever global Countdown to 2030 meeting, held in London in 2005, Senegal became the first country to hold a national Countdown conference, bringing together government leaders, private and public partners, and the research community to review progress in child...

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Country CD Guide frontpage

The Country Countdown Toolkit

The Country Countdown Toolkit contains a comprehensive set of tools, publications, and guides that can be useful to countries considering, planning, or implementing a country-level Countdown process. Country Countdown materials: Country Countdown: Accelerating progress to 2015 and beyond — A guide for countries and partners including appendices (Il est également...

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UNICEF/NYHQ2005-2410/Anita Khemka

Countdown to 2015 Country Profiles

The Countdown country profile presents in one place the best and latest evidence to enable an assessment of a country’s progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) and achieving MDGs 4 and 5. Each profile presents the most recent available information on selected demographic measures of maternal,...

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UNICEF/NYHQ2007-2758/Claudio Versiani

Equity Analyses and Profiles

National data on coverage levels often hide important disparities among population subgroups. Inequities in health have several dimensions, including socioeconomic position, gender, place of residence, and ethnic group.  Mothers and children belonging to disadvantaged groups are less likely to receive essential preventive and curative interventions, and as a result show...

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WHO/Anna Kari

Countdown Data

Countdown to 2015 aims to provide the best and most recent scientific evidence on country-level progress towards the achievement of MDGs 4 and 5, and to improve the use of national data to accelerate attention, accountability, and action for scaling up coverage of priority reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health...

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