Counting Countdown’s 2024 Newborns

  One more thing to celebrate this year is that the Countdown team seems to have welcomed more newborn babies than usual. We have counted at least four, with Assane from APHRC and Shelley and Brittany from Johns Hopkins University plus one more person welcoming new children. We are trying...

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Data Uptake Series: Ghana

Ghana is making strides in improving the availability of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health + nutrition (RMNCAH+N) data, though challenges remain. Despite significant improvements in antenatal care (ANC) coverage, similar progress in skilled delivery and postnatal care has yet to be realized. The district health information management system...

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Sharing Results from the Urban Health Study

The complete results from part one of the urban health study are now available online, and some results from part two were recently presented at the Health Systems Research Symposium. Journal of Urban Health Supplement Countdown undertook a multi-country study in sub-Saharan Africa to understand how living in urban slums...

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Voices from the Countdown to 2030 Fellowship Program: Cohort 1

We are excited to spotlight the inspiring stories from our inaugural Countdown to 2030 Fellowship Program! Launched in 2023, the fellowship aims to build research and analytical expertise to monitor and track progress in delivering lifesaving interventions for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) across Countdown...

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MOMENTUM Fact Sheet Summarizes Countdown Profiles

The USAID MOMENTUM project published a new factsheet about all three types of country profiles – reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH), equity, and early childhood development. This two-page document describes what the country profiles are, why they are valuable, who should use them, and how they can...

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Reports from Annual Meeting in 2023

A new report synthesizes the learning from the analysis conducted during and after the annual meeting held in 2023. Some key findings were that: Reporting rates were high in most countries, and districts with extreme outliers were uncommon, but some issues with internal consistency of the data were apparent. Calculation...

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Data as a compass for guiding health policy: Niger Data Uptake

The Niger country collaboration has been successful at maintaining a long-running scientific collaboration, producing high-quality research for multiple audiences, and sharing this information with decisionmakers. Download the data uptake series in English  Download the data uptake series in French Niger is one of sub-Saharan Africa’s countries which has been repeatedly...

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Some Highlights of 2023

Although the world is struggling to maintain past gains for women and children, as 2023 ends Countdown still has a lot to celebrate: We hosted our largest in-person Countdown annual meeting to date, with more than 185 participants in Dakar, Senegal, in June, in collaboration with the Global Financing Facility...

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Videos Capture Highlights and Reflections from Annual Meeting 2023

This 9-minute video presents some highlights and reflections from attendees of Countdown’s 2023 annual meeting, which convened more than 185 health experts and researchers from across sub-Saharan along with global technical experts.  Speakers in order of appearance are Pamela Rao from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Brenabe Gningue from...

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Are we reaching our commitment to leave no woman or child behind?

This article was originally posted on the PMNCH website and was written by  Jennifer Requejo, Jonathan D. Klein, and Sophie Arseneault, PMNCH Accountability Working Group Chair and Vice Chairs. On September 21st, stakeholders will come together at the United Nations General Assembly to discuss the importance of aligning investments on...

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National Launch Event Held for India MNH Exemplars Report

Leaders from health and public policy organizations convened in New Delhi to discuss the national report from the Exemplars in Maternal and Newborn Health India study on August 23. The national analysis, as well as in-depth studies in six states, show how multiple drivers contributed to the large reduction in...

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Countdown Releases Updated Data Analyses Ahead of IMNHC Conference

Countdown researchers have summarized areas of progress and stagnation around three key themes related to maternal-newborn health, in order to contribute to discussions at the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) in May 2023. Countdown researchers have a paper in preprint  that proposes a framework integrating maternal, stillbirth and neonatal...

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Bangladesh Maternal Newborn Health Exemplar Study Results are Online

Findings from the Bangladesh maternal newborn health exemplars study are now available from the Exemplars in Global Health website and have been accepted for publication in the journal BMJ Global Health. Improved availability and quality of health services, plus improvements of other socioeconomic indicators – such as access to electricity...

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Video Describes Countdown Analysis Workshops

To get a sense of what it’s like to attend a Countdown to 2030 analysis workshop, watch this short video: Since 2017 countdown to 2030 has organized nine virtual workshops and 17 in-person workshops with representatives from 65 countries. Footage was filmed during a workshop that took place in Nairobi...

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Effective Coverage Satellite Session from 7th Global HSR Symposium

Methods for calculating effective coverage, which is also called quality-adjusted coverage, continue to be refined, and this approach is increasingly being used to inform country-level decision-making.  The recording of a satellite session titled, “Measuring effective coverage and quality of care to improve the health of women, children, and adolescents in...

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Tanzania collaboration: Looking ahead to Phase 3

The Countdown country collaboration in Tanzania met  September 25-26, 2022, at Ifakara Health Institute in Dar es Salaam to develop its plan for years 2023-2025.  Plans including supporting the Ministry of Health with monitoring regional and national progress based on the Health Sector Strategic Plan July 2021-June 2026 (HSSP V)...

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Year in Review 2021: >50 Peer-reviewed Publications

  The Countdown collaboration contributed to the reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) and nutrition scientific literature through four journal supplements and more than 20 standalone papers. The papers included topics that have long been central to Countdown’s work, such as child survival, and topics that have come...

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Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings

Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings, a series published in The Lancet in January 2021, aims to improve understanding of and address the special requirements of providing sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition services in conflict settings.  Led by academic co-investigators and partners affiliated with...

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Countdown 2017 report launched

New Report Tracks Global Progress Towards Universal Coverage for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition Countdown to 2030 highlights major challenges to reaching SDG targets, including universal coverage of essential health services to women, children and adolescents CAPE TOWN – Today, leading experts in global women’s, children’s...

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Cookie Policy

Cookies A Cookie file is – according to Wikipedia – a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can...

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