20 February 2013
To support countries in undertaking robust and effective Country Countdown processes, Countdown has developed Country Countdown—Accelerating progress to 2015 and beyond: A guide for countries and partners.
20 February 2013
To support countries in undertaking robust and effective Country Countdown processes, Countdown has developed Country Countdown—Accelerating progress to 2015 and beyond: A guide for countries and partners. This new publication, available for download on the Countdown website, provides detailed advice for planning and implementation of a Country Countdown, including a step-by-step guide to the process and an implementation checklist.
In addition to the Guide, Countdown has developed the Country Countdown Toolkit, which includes a broad range of tools that will be useful to Country Countdown teams, including definitions of key indicators; detailed case studies of Country Countdown experiences; and PowerPoint presentations customized for each Countdown country to show data from the country’s 2012 Countdown profile.
A Country Countdown is a practical way for countries to follow through on commitments to the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health and Every Woman Every Child and on pledges to end preventable child deaths through the Commitment to Child Survival and A Promise Renewed. It enables countries to take stock, review recent progress, identify remaining challenges and actions required to accelerate progress, and ensure accountability, and can make a unique, catalytic contribution to national efforts to improve maternal, newborn, and child health.