Countdown Researcher Appointed Senegal’s Health Minister

One of the researchers from the Countdown collaboration in Senegal was recently appointed the country’s Minister of Health and Social Action. Dr. Ibrahima Sy was the principal investigator of the Countdown urban health study in Senegal and recently published about this work (Spatial and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cesarean Section Deliveries in Urban Settings in Dakar, Senegal) in the Journal of Urban Health. This paper used geospatial methods to estimate Cesarean section (c-section) rates in the regions of Dakar during years 2005-2019.

Dr. Sy is an expert in both public health and health governance.  He received a doctorate in health geography from Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, in France, then subsequently was a faculty member there. Dr Sy serves also at the Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar (UCAD), Senegal as a Senior Lecturer. He has conducted research in Senegal and other countries through UCAD and the Centre de Suivi Ecologique where he was a Program Coordinator and Research Associate.