Dissemination of RMNCH analysis workshop results in Uganda

After two successful analysis workshops organized in November 2017 and July 2018 that brought together government officials and academics from ESA countries, APHRC has supported the dissemination and knowledge translation of the evidence generated further to the analysis workshops. In Uganda, APHRC supported the implementation of in-country dissemination activities targeting relevant audiences, through a collaborative with the Makerere University School of Public (MakSPH).

The activities included:

  • Preparation of a summary report highlighting the key Countdown findings on RMNCH coverage and child mortality inequalities in Uganda based on the three dimensions: 1) Wealth inequities at national level 2) Urban-rural inequities 3) Sub-national inequities. (Download)
  • A factsheet presenting the results (Download)
  • One policy brief based on the Countdown findings for Uganda (Download)
  • A brief report on the outcomes of the dissemination event (Download)
  • A media article summarizing the findings to pitch to national and local media (in progress)