Countdown researchers shared findings from the maternal newborn health (MNH) exemplars studies and discussed goals for the future during plenary sessions at the International Maternal and Newborn Health Conference in May 2023.
MNH Exemplars Plenary
During the initial plenary session, the seven countries that exceeded their peers in maternal and newborn health improvements were discussed. All demonstrated four key changes: 1) large increases in institutional birth; 2) improved quality of care; 3) declines in fertility and improved access to safe abortion; and 4) effective government strategies related to effective policy decisions, funding and implementation.
This session also introduced a new framework for categorizing countries’ progress in reducing maternal and newborn mortality.
Watch the recording of the plenary here:
Focus on the Future: Accelerating Evidence Into Action
During the final plenary, Cheikh Faye, Countdown’s project director, joined a discussion about the priorities for MNH data, which include improving data quality, presenting disaggregated and national data, bringing private sector data into existing systems, and increasing capacity and a culture of data use.
“We need strong health information systems in place that are capable of providing high quality and timely routine data and estimates to accompany the ‘Saving Lives TOGETHER’ movement by better measuring progress against maternal newborn health targets,” Dr. Faye said. “Health data systems should by simplified to respond to providers and users’ needs. In-country capacity to process, analyze and manage routine data can be sustainably strengthened by bringing academic and government analysts together with global level experts to improve data quality and optimize it’s use, as demonstrated by the Countdown to 2030 initiative.”
Watch the recording of the closing plenary here: