A new three-part webinar series explains the key concepts of health financing analysis and provides step-by-step examples of how to conduct this analysis. These webinars were developed for Countdown GFF and maternal newborn health exemplar countries but may be useful for anyone who is trying to obtain a better understand of how to analyze funding for reproductive, maternal, newborn child and adolescent health in low and middle income countries. Since each webinar builds directly on the previous webinar, beginning with webinar 1 and watching the webinars in order is highly recommended.
Webinar 1: Health Financing Analysis for Annual Reviews
In this first webinar from the Health Financing Data and Analysis Centre (DAC), Josephine Borghi, Catherine Pitt, and Melisa Martinez-Alvarez from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Peter Binyaruka from Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania, and Federica Margiani, an independent consultant, discuss why financing matters for RMNCAH and how to study it. They talk through potential health financing research questions and give examples of how financing analyses have contributed to annual reviews in Uganda and Tanzania. They introduce the key data sources for understanding external financing and domestic financing and highlight future plans for the DAC.
Webinar 2: How to use and adapt the Muskoka2 global estimates of aid for RMNCH for analyses of individual countries
In the second webinar, Pitt, Binyaruka, Borghi, and Ties Boerma, project director Countdown to 2030, discuss how to use the ready-made figures and analyses and conduct further analyses of aid for RMNCH using the Muskoka2 Global Excel workbook. Pitt explains the Muskoka2 method and presents numerous analyses of aid for RMNCH in each of the Countdown to 2030 country collaborations and maternal newborn health exemplars countries.
- Download the slide deck presented in the webinar.
- Download the Excel spreadsheet used in the analysis.
Webinar 3: How to prepare detailed Muskoka2 analyses of aid for RMNCH in a single country
In the third webinar, Pitt, Binyaruka and Borghi discuss how to prepare and use a Muskoka2 country-specific Excel workbook to allow more detailed analyses of aid for RMNCH in individual countries.
- Download the slide decks presented in the webinar: part1, part2
- Download the Excel spreadsheet used in the analysis.