Webinar: Health Financing for Annual Reviews


Health financing – where the money in the health system comes from, how the money is combined or pooled, and how health workers are paid – is a key consideration for understanding how health systems function. Josephine Borghi, Catherine Pitt, Melisa Martinez-Alvarez, Peter Binyaruka, and Federica Margini from the Health Financing Data & Analysis Center and the  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine gave a high-level overview of health financing analysis. Although this one-hour webinar was internal presentation to help country teams planning annual reviews as part of the Global Financing Facility country collaborations, this webinar would be helpful for anyone seeking an introduction to the subject.

Topics presented include:

  •  Why financing matters
  • Financing sources and channels
  • Examples from Countdown collaborations in Uganda and Tanzania
  • The Creditor Reporting System aid dataset
  •  Muskoka2 algorithm and global dataset
  • World Health Organization’s global health expenditure database