Identifying the reasons for exemplary MNH progress in seven countries
During 2020-2022, Countdown employed a positive public health approach to understand why some countries’ maternal and newborn health improved faster that would be expected based solely on economic indicators. The selected countries were Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Ethiopia, Morocco, Niger, and Senegal.
From 2000 to 2017, the global maternal mortality ratio (MMR) declined by 38% and the global neonatal mortality rate (NMR) declined by 41%, with large variability in the pace of decline at the country level. Countries that surpassed average progress relative to their socio-economic progress were selected as exemplar countries.
Results were published on the exemplars website, in a supplement of BMJ Global Health, and in individual papers in Health Policy and Planning and The Lancet.
Cross-country Synthesis:
Country Case Studies
India, National level: Making the health system work for over 25 million births annually: drivers of the notable decline in maternal and newborn mortality in India
India Subnational level: A tale of two exemplars: the maternal and newborn mortality transitions of two state clusters in India
Niger: Challenges in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in Niger: an in-depth case study
Senegal: Exemplars in Global Health Senegal webpage