The Countdown to 2030 collaboration in Guinea includes the Institut National de Santé Publique, the Direction Nationale de la Santé Familiale et de la Nutrition, the Département Système d'Information Sanitaire du Bureau Stratégique de Développement du Ministère de la Santé and the African Population and Health Research Center. This collaboration aims to strengthen the country's analytical capacity on RMNCAH+N data to inform national and local reviews of progress and performance in the context of Guinea's national health plans, and the Global Financing Facility (GFF) investment case for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N).
Although Guinea was not one of the 22 countries included in the inter-country collaborations during the 2020-2022 period, representatives from Guinea took part in the annual Countdown meetings in 2022 and 2023.

Kigali, Rwanda: The Guinea team pictured here with their poster at the Countdown Annual Meeting in 2024.

Outputs, Products, Programs

Activities planned for 2023-2025 include:

1. Implementation research on data quality solutions (based on problems identified during routine data quality analyses);
2. Operational research (multi-country study) on Maternal and Newborn Health, with a focus on place of delivery and its implications (SNIS data, partograms, questionnaires).

Mamadou Abdoulaye R. Diallo was selected as a Countdown fellow for 2024

Guinea Countdown Collaboration Team

Pierre Fenano
Facely Camara
Mamadou Dian Sow
Abdoul Karim Nabe
Anne Marie Soumah
Mamadou Abdoulaye R. Diallo