The countdown collaboration in Rwanda is led by The School of Public Health/College of Medicine and Health Sciences/University of Rwanda (UR-CMHS-SPH). It will play an important role in supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) in building the capacity to conduct analytical work to inform the reviews. The UR-CMHS-SPH will be engaged in the analytical process on a more continuous basis, working closely with the MOH and development partners, and drawing from solid in-depth analytical work, with a focus on evidence generation for regular reviews of progress and performance of the RMNCAH+N program in Rwanda.  

Team members pictured here at the Countdown annual meeting in April 2024.

Planned research for 2023-2025

  • Albert Ndagijimana was selected as a Countdown fellow for 2024.
  • The Rwanda team participated in and completed analysis for Countdown annual meetings in 2022 and 2023. 
  • Annual national analytical workshops that will consist in reviewing and analyzing data and produce annual national statistical profile and at least one policy brief. This workshop will be attended by the key MoH and RBC staff (who deal with planning, and M&E), key implementing partners data analysts and four district hospitals staff (M&E and planning officers and/or Data Manager).  
  • Annual district analytical workshops to complement the national workshops, district-level workshops will be carried out in Year 2 and 3 to build capacity of District Hospital (DH) data managers/statisticians/M&E and planning officers on analysis of routinely collected data available in Rwanda HMIS, and use of routine data in decision making, with a focus on RMNCAH+N (deliveries and maternal and neonatal mortality, FP, antenatal care, immunization, etc). 
  • Communication/dissemination workshops: Support will be provided by the SPH and APHRC to carry out dissemination workshops on the findings from annual reviews and data analysis with partners for actions and considerations (in form of posters and/or short reports) to promote the understanding and use of the findings/key messages among decision-makers at national and sub-national level, and feedback loops so that analysis can be further tailored to data users needs. The support will include tips for oral and poster presentation/scientific communication, audience analysis and message tailoring. Since all districts will be covered, there is hope that these skills will become well embedded within health sector system.  
  • Scientific products: Support will be provided to national staff at the MOH and RBC, by the UR-CMHS-SPH and the APHRC to produce at least one paper with joint authorship of key actors in peer-reviewed journal. 
  • Special studies: Support will be provided to national staff at the MOH and RBC by the SPH and the APHRC to produce (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) along the health system components as appropriate: e.g. policies, health financing, health workforce, infrastructure, health governance, service delivery, etc. This will depend on the availability of funding, as studies are normally expensive. Funding may be secured from other partners, members of CD2030 (UN agencies and others). The study question will be expressed by the MoH or RBC/MCCH Division. 

Rwanda Countdown Collaboration Team

Albert Ndagijimana

Bibiane Uwamahoro

Micheal Habtu

Vedaste Ndahindwa

Martin Kavao Mutua

Theoneste Mutsindashyaka

Muhammed Semakula

Donatien Ntagara Ngabo

Silas Rudasingwa

Cyiza François Regis