Overcoming blame culture: key strategies to catalyse maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response

Authors: Kinney MV, Day LT, Palestra F, Biswas A, Jackson D, Roos N, de Jonge A, Doherty P, Manu AA, Moran AC, George AS; MPDSR Technical Working Group

Journal Name: BJOG

Countries: Tanzania, Zimbabwe

Categories: Child Health, Equity, Maternal Health, Publications, Reproductive Health

Citation: Kinney MV, Day LT, Palestra F, Biswas A, Jackson D, Roos N, de Jonge A, Doherty P, Manu AA, Moran AC, George AS; MPDSR Technical Working Group, Overcoming blame culture: key strategies to catalyse maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response, BJOG, 2021, 10.1111/1471-0528.16989