The Health Financing Data  & Analysis Center’s goal is to enable better data use around financial resources to enable decision-making around resource allocation.

Achieving universal health coverage will require increasing domestic resources for health and ensuring efficient and equitable allocation of those funds subnationally. Increasing in-country capacity to track resources is essential to ensuring adequate allocations of health finances.

The Health Financing Data & Analysis Centre (DAC):

  • Monitors global aid flows for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) using the Muskoka2 algorithm, an automated algorithm that estimates levels of aid for reproductive health, maternal and newborn health, and child health.
  • Undertakes country-level tracking and analysis of financing for health and RMNCH.
  • Considers new methods for more efficient and timely tracking of domestic funds at country level.
  • Provides capacity development for country-level financial analysis.
  • Creates a depository of financing data for use by countries and funding agencies.

Key indicators related to financing are available in Countdown country profiles.

Background Resources and Materials

The Global Health Expenditure Database provides internationally comparable data on health spending for close to 190 countries from 2000 to 2017. The database provides information on health spending on reproductive health for a subset of these countries.



AidData publishes methods and data for evaluation international developement, including geocoded aid data for specific countries.

The OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database is used to track ODA flows from Development Assistance Committee members. The CRS can generate estimates globally, by year, by recipient country, and by donor for health aid and for aid to all other sectors.


Tools & Resources

Muskoka2 estimates of aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) over years 2002-19 as reported in Pitt et al (2021). The Excel file includes the main reported figures, and the analyses, data, and assumptions underlying the reported figures.

Read a brief description of the Muskoka2 methodology.

Download the Excel file here.



In this first webinar, Catherine Pitt, Melisa Martinez-Alvarez, Peter Binyaruka and Federica Margiani discuss why financing matters for RMNCAH and how to study it. They talk through potential health financing research questions and give examples of how financing analyses have contributed to annual reviews in Uganda and Tanzania. They introduce the key data sources for understanding external financing and domestic financing, and highlight future plans for the DAC.


In this second webinar, Catherine Pitt discusses with Peter Binyaruka, Josephine Borghi, and Ties Boerma how to use the ready-made figures and analyses and conduct further analyses of aid for RMNCH using the Muskoka2 Global Excel Workbook. She explains the Muskoka2 method and presents numerous analyses of aid for RMNCH in each of the Countdown to 2030 Country Collaborations and MNH Exemplars countries. These results are designed to be suitable for inclusion in Annual Reviews and other outputs, and to be further adapted and customized by country teams.


In this third webinar, Catherine Pitt discusses with Peter Binyaruka and Josephine Borghi how to prepare and use a Muskoka2 Country-Specific Excel Workbook to allow more detailed analyses of aid for RMNCH in individual countries.

Nouria Brikci
Catherine Pitt
Josephine Borghi
Melisa Martinez-Alvarez
Peter Binyaruka