Inequalities in early marriage, childbearing and sexual debut among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa

Authors: Melesse D, Cane R, Mangombe A, Ijadunola M, Manu A, Bamgboye E, Mohiddin A, Kananura R, Akwara E, Plessis E, Wado Y, Mutua M, Mekonnen W, Faye C, Neal S and Boerma T.,

Journal Name: BMC

Countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger

Categories: Adolescent Health, Equity, Gender, Publications, Reproductive Health, West and Central Africa

Citation: Melesse D, Cane R, Mangombe A, Ijadunola M, Manu A, Bamgboye E, Mohiddin A, Kananura R, Akwara E, Plessis E, Wado Y, Mutua M, Mekonnen W, Faye C, Neal S and Boerma T.,, Inequalities in early marriage, childbearing and sexual debut among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa, BMC, 2021,