Let the Data Speak

Research Priorities for RMNCAH – results from the Countdown to 2030 Measurement Conference

Stellenbosch, South Africa
January 31 – February 1, 2018

The objectives of the Improving measurement of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health & nutrition conference were to:

  • Take stock of the current practices, advances and critical issues in RMNCAH&N measurement
  • Develop a priority research agenda on RMNCAH&N measurement to 2020, including the implications in terms of measurement instruments for countries and for global programs

Read more about Countdown’s priority research agenda resulting from the conference.

The full conference proceedings can be accessed here.


Countdown to 2030 lets the data speak

Countdown Commentary (The Lancet, May 2018) on analyzing inequalities in child mortality.

Countdown Viewpoint (The Lancet, April 2018) on monitoring country progress and achievements through global predictions.

Learn more about the work of Countdown’s technical and cross-cutting working groups here.