Two new videos related to equity analysis are available on Countdown to 2030’s youtube channel.
In an hour long webinar from January 2021, presenters from the International Center for Equity in Health at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, present an overview of methods for equity analysis. Topics presented include: the importance of equity measurement for achieving sustainable development goals, composite coverage index (CCI) and co-coverage, absolute income, survey-based women’s empowerment (SWPER) index, the slope index of inequality (SII), the concentration index of inequality (CIX) commands, equiplot tools, equity dashboards, and decision trees.
In a brief tutorial, Cauane Blumenberg from the International Center for Equity in Health in Pelotas, Brazil, demonstrates how to create an equiplot using Stata.
More information is available on the Equity Data & Analysis center’s webpage.
We have lots more video tutorials planned for 2021. Be sure to subscribe to Countdown to 2030’s youtube channel to learn about new resources.