Authors: Gaffey MF, Waldman RJ, Blanchet K, Amsalu R, Capobianco E, Ho LS, Khara T, Garcia DM, Aboubaker S, Ashorn P, Spiegel PB, Black RE, Bhutta ZA, the BRANCH Consortium Steering Committee
Journal Name: The Lancet
Categories: Adolescent Health, Child Health, Conflict, Coverage, Equity, Maternal Health, Newborn Health, Nutrition, Reproductive Health, Survival
Citation: Gaffey MF, Waldman RJ, Blanchet K, Amsalu R, Capobianco E, Ho LS, Khara T, Garcia DM, Aboubaker S, Ashorn P, Spiegel PB, Black RE, Bhutta ZA, the BRANCH Consortium Steering Committee , Delivering health and nutrition interventions for women and children in different conflict contexts: a framework for decision making on what, when, and how, The Lancet, 2021,