The effects of armed conflict on the health of women and children

Authors: Bendavid E, Boerma T, Akseet N, Langer A, Malembaka EB, Okiro E, Wise PH, Heft-Neal S, Black RE, Bhutta ZA, BRANCH Consortium Steering Committee

Journal Name: The Lancet

Categories: Adolescent Health, Child Health, Conflict, Coverage, Geospatial, Health Systems and Policies, Maternal Health, Newborn Health, Nutrition, Reproductive Health, Sanitation, Survival

Citation: Bendavid E, Boerma T, Akseet N, Langer A, Malembaka EB, Okiro E, Wise PH, Heft-Neal S, Black RE, Bhutta ZA, BRANCH Consortium Steering Committee, The effects of armed conflict on the health of women and children, The Lancet, 2021,