Levels, Trends and Inequalities in Mortality among 5–19 Year Olds in Tanzania: Magu Health and Demographic Surveillance Study (1995–2022)
For the past two decades, health priorities in Tanzania have focussed on children under-five, leaving behind the older children and adolescents (5–19 years). Understanding mortality patterns beyond 5 years is important in bridging a healthy gap between childhood to adulthood. We aimed to estimate mortality levels, trends, and inequalities among...
Do Residents of the Slums of African Capitals Have Access to Cesarean Sections? The Example of Dakar, Senegal
Do Residents of the Slums of African Capitals Have Access to Cesarean Sections? The Example of Dakar (Senegal)
Countdown to 2030 country analysis: Synthesis and a way forward
CAM 2023 synthesis report Feb 2024 formatted
Version finale_Note politique_Amélioration de la qualité des données SRMNIA-N de routine pour une planification basée sur les évidences au Sénégal_compressed
Mid Term Review of the Health Sector Strategic Plan IV 2015 – 2020
4. HSSP IV MTR Main Report (1)
Rapport Technique: Qualité des Soins Maternels et du Nouveau-Né au Niger
Policy Brief: Qualité des Soins Maternels et du Nouveau-Né au Niger
Ethiopia- Health Sector Transformation Plan -I 2015 – 2020 – Endline Review
2. Ethiopia- Health Sector Transformation Plan -I 2015 – 2020 – Endline Review
Ethiopia – Health Coverage Summary Chart 2022
5. Ethiopia _Health Coverage Chart summary, 2022
A Series of Briefs on Health Systems and Policy Analysis
Health systems are complex; thus, many research approaches are used understand and assess them. Three new Countdown to 2030 briefs aim to support researchers and policy makers, to understand the value of and approaches available using health policy and systems research in women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health. These briefs address...
Generating statistics from health facility data: the state of routine health information systems in Eastern and Southern Africa
Ma_Øga A, Jiwani SS, Mutua MK, et al.
Expenditure tracking and review of reproductive maternal, newborn and child health policy in Pakistan
Malik MA, Nahyoun AS, Rizvi A, Bhatti ZA, Bhutta ZA.
Health workforce metrics pre- and post-2015: a stimulus to public policy and planning
Pozo-Martin F, Nove A, Castro Lopes S, Campbell J, Buchan J, Dussault G, Kunjumen T, Cometto G, Siyam A.
The whole is more than the sum of the parts: establishing an enabling health system environment for reducing acute child malnutrition in a rural South African district
Schneider H, van der Merwe M, Marutla B, Cupido J, Kauchali S.
How Ethiopia achieved Millennium Development Goal 4 through multisectoral interventions: a Countdown to 2015 case study
Ruducha J, Mann C, Singh NS, Gemebo TD, Tessema NS, Baschieri A, Friberg I, Zerfu TA, Yassin M, Franca GA, Berman P.
Data quality self-assessment of child health and sexual reproductive health indicators in Botswana, 2016-2017
Tlale LB, Morake B, Lesetedi O, Maribe L, Masweu M, Faye C, Asiki G.
Child health and nutrition in Peru within an antipoverty political agenda: a Countdown to 2015 country case study.
Huicho L, Segura ER, Huayanay-Espinoza CA, de Guzman JN, Restrepo-M_©ndez MC, Tam Y, et al.
Gender norms and health: insights from global survey data
Weber AM, Cislaghi B, Meausoone V, Abdalla S, Mej__a-Guevara I, Loftus P, et al.
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: what have we learned about processes and progress towards MDGs 4 and 5?
Moucheraud, C., Owen, H., Singh, N.S. et al.
Status and drivers of maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health in the Islamic world: a comparative analysis
Akseer N, Kamali M, Bakhache N, Mirza M, Mehta S, Al-Gashm S, Bhutta ZA.
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: systematic tools to address the black box of health systems and policy assessment
Singh, N.S., Huicho, L., Afnan-Holmes, H. et al.
Health financing at district level in Malawi: an analysis of the distribution of funds at two points in time.
Borghi J, Munthali S, Million LB, Martinez-Alvarez M.
Subnational variation for care at birth in Tanzania: is this explained by place, people, money or drugs?.
Armstrong, C.E., Martínez-Álvarez, M., Singh, N.S. et al.
Donor funding for family planning: levels and trends between 2003 and 2013
Grollman C, Cavallaro FL, Duclos D, Bakare V, Mart__nez _Ålvarez M, Borghi J.
Understanding drivers of domestic public expenditure on reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health in Peru at district level: an ecological study.
Huicho L. Hernandez P, Huayanay-Espinoza CA, Segura ER, Nino de Guzman J, Flores-Cordova G, Rivera-Ch M, Friedman HS, Berman P.
Patterns and trends of postpartum family planning in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria: evidence of missed opportunities for integration
Hounton S, Winfrey W, Barros AJ, Askew I.
Business not as usual: how multisectoral collaboration can promote transformative change for health and sustainable development
Kuruvilla S, Hinton R, Boerma T, Bunney R, Casamitjana N, Cortez R, et al.
Strong community-based health systems and national governance predict improvement in coverage of oral rehydration solution (ORS): a multilevel longitudinal model
Andrus A, Cohen R, Carvajal-Aguirre L, Arifeen SE, and Weiss W
Tracking aid for global health goals: a systematic comparison of four approaches applied to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Pitt C, Grollman C, Martinez-Alvarez M, Arregoces L, Borghi J.
Countdown to 2015 and beyond: fulfilling the health agenda for women and children
Requejo J, Bryce J, Barros A, et al.
Variance estimation for effective coverage measures: A simulation study
Sauer SM, Pullum T, Wang W, Mallick L, and Leslie HH
Human resources for maternal, newborn and child health: from measurement and planning to performance for improved health outcomes
Gupta, N., Maliqi, B., Fran_ßa, A. et al.
How can we realise the full potential of health systems for nutrition?
Heidkamp RA, Wilson E, Menon P, Kuo H, Walton S, Gatica-Domínguez G et al.
Progress and challenges in maternal health in western China: a Countdown to 2015 national case study
Gao, Y, Zhou H, Singh N, Powell-Jackson T, Nash S, Yang M, Guo S, Fang H, Martinez Alvarez M, Liu X, Pan J, Wang Y, and Ronsmans C.
Assessment of the health system and policy environment as a critical complement to tracking intervention coverage for maternal newborn and child health
Countdown Working Group on Health Policy and Health Systems.
Equitable coverage? The roles of the private and public sectors in providing maternal, newborn and child health interventions in South Asia
Guo S, Carvajal-Aguirre L, Victora CG, BarrosAJD, Wehrmeister FC, et al.
11 years of tracking aid to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: estimates and analysis for 2003-13 from the Countdown to 2015
Grollman C, Arregoces L, Mart__nez-_Ålvarez M, Pitt C, Mills A, Borghi J.
Child survival gains in Tanzania: analysis of data from demographic and health surveys
Masanja H, de Savigny D, Smithson P, et al.
Developing a dataset to track aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, 2003-2013
Grollman C, Arregoces L, Martinez-Alvarez M, Pitt C, Powell-Jackson T, Hsu J, Greco G, Borghi J.
Every death counts: use of mortality audit data for decision making to save the lives of mothers, babies and children in South Africa
South Africa Every Death Counts Writing Group.