Effective Coverage of Modern Contraceptive Use in Ethiopia: An Ecological Linking Analysis of Service Provision Assessment and National Health Equity Surveys
Effective Coverage of Modern Contraceptive Use in Ethiopia
CAM 2023 – Ethiopia
CAM 2023 – Ethiopia Analysis Results CAM 2023 – Ethiopia Communications
Countdown to 2030 country analysis: Synthesis and a way forward
CAM 2023 synthesis report Feb 2024 formatted
Ethiopia- Health Sector Transformation Plan -I 2015 – 2020 – Endline Review
2. Ethiopia- Health Sector Transformation Plan -I 2015 – 2020 – Endline Review
Ethiopia –Countdown to 2030 country collaboration study
1. Ethiopia Countdown to 2030 Collaboration study Report
Maternal and Child Health Care Services Utilization during COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia
6. Impacts_of_Covid_on_MCH_interventions_April_Final
Ethiopia – Health Coverage Summary Chart 2022
5. Ethiopia _Health Coverage Chart summary, 2022
Ethiopia: Country Health Statistics and Equity Profile, 2000-2019
4. Ethiopia-Country Health Statistics and Equity Profile
Understanding the Drivers of Reduction in Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Ethiopia – An in-depth Case Study of the Global Health Exemplars
1. Maternal and Neonatal Health – Exemplar study in Ethiopia -Drivers of Reduction in Neonatal and Maternal Mortality
Building on Ethiopia’s Success to Accelerate Survival of Mothers and Newborns
MNH Ethiopia Research_brief report
Intimate partner violence in 46 low-income and middle-income countries: an appraisal of the most vulnerable groups of women using national health surveys
Coll CVN, Ewerling F, García-Moreno C, et al
Large and persistent subnational inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health intervention coverage in sub-Saharan Africa
Faye CM, Wehrmeister FC, Melesse DY, et al
Socioeconomic Inequalities Persist Despite Declining Stunting Prevalence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
da Silva ICM, Franca GV, Barros AJD, Amouzou A, Krasevec J, Victora CG.
Inequalities in the coverage of place of delivery and skilled birth attendance: analyses of cross-sectional surveys in 80 low and middle-income countries.
Joseph G, Silva ICM, Wehrmeister FC, Barros AJD, Victora CG.
Does women’s mobile phone ownership matter for health? Evidence from 15 countries
LeFevre AE, Shah N, Bashingwa JJH, et al
Future directions for reducing inequity and maximising impact of child health strategies
Dalglish SL, Vogel JJ, Begkoyian G, et al.
Inequalities in full immunization coverage: trends in low- and middle-income countries
Restrepo-Mendez MC, Barros AJ, Wong KL, Johnson HL, Pariyo G, Franca GV, et al.
Data Resource Profile: Countdown to 2015: Maternal, Newborn and Child Survival
Requejo J, Victora C, Bryce J.
Progress in adolescent health and wellbeing: tracking 12 headline indicators for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016.
Azzopardi PS, Hearps SJC , Francis KL et al.
Donor funding for family planning: levels and trends between 2003 and 2013
Grollman C, Cavallaro FL, Duclos D, Bakare V, Mart__nez _Ålvarez M, Borghi J.
Missed opportunities in full immunization coverage: findings from low- and lower-middle-income countries
Restrepo-Mendez MC, Barros AJ, Wong KL, Johnson HL, Pariyo G, Wehrmeister FC, et al.
Equity in maternal, newborn, and child health interventions in Countdown to 2015: a retrospective review of survey data from 54 countries
Barros A, Ronsmans C, Axelson H, et al.
Timing and number of antenatal care contacts in low and middle-income countries: Analysis in the Countdown to 2030 priority countries
Jiwani SS, Amouzou A, Carvajal L, Chou D, Keita Y, Moran AC, Requejo JYaya S, Vaz LME, and Boerma T
Contraception in adolescence: the influence of parity and marital status on contraceptive use in 73 low-and middle-income countries
Coll CVN, Ewerling F, Hellwig F, et al.
Absolute income is a better predictor of coverage by skilled birth attendance than relative wealth quintiles in a multicountry analysis: comparison of 100 low- and middle-income countries
Joseph G, da Silva ICM, Fink G, Barros AJD, Victora CG.
Countdown to 2030 for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition
Victora C, Requejo J, Boerma T, Amouzou A, Bhutta ZA, Black RE, Chopra M; Countdown to 2030.
Human resources for maternal, newborn and child health: from measurement and planning to performance for improved health outcomes
Gupta, N., Maliqi, B., Fran_ßa, A. et al.
Strong community-based health systems and national governance predict improvement in coverage of oral rehydration solution (ORS): a multilevel longitudinal model
Andrus A, Cohen R, Carvajal-Aguirre L, Arifeen SE, and Weiss W
Religious affiliation, gender and child health outcomes in 16 African low- and middle-income countries
Costa JC, Weber AM, Darmstadt GL, Abdalla S, Victora CG.
Countries’ progress for women’s and children’s health in the Millennium Development Goal era: the Countdown to 2015 experience
Berman, P., Requejo, J., Bhutta, Z.A. et al.
Monitoring maternal, newborn and child health: understanding key progress indicators
This report has been co-produced by Countdown to 2015 and the Health Metrics Network.
Gender bias in careseeking practices in 57 low and middle income countries
Costa JC, Wehrmeister FC, Barros AJD, Victora CG.
Countdown to 2015 country case studies: what have we learned about processes and progress towards MDGs 4 and 5?
Moucheraud, C., Owen, H., Singh, N.S. et al.
Mind the gap: equity and trends in coverage of maternal, newborn and child health services in 54 Countdown countries
Countdown 2008 Equity Analysis Group.
Discordance in postnatal care between mothers and newborns: Measurement artifact or missed opportunity?
Amouzou A, Hazel E, Vaz L, Sanni Y, and Moran AC
Generating statistics from health facility data: the state of routine health information systems in Eastern and Southern Africa
Ma_Øga A, Jiwani SS, Mutua MK, et al.
The SWPER index for women’s empowerment in Africa: development and validation of an index based on survey data
Ewerling F, Lynch JW, Victora CG, van Eerdewijk A, Tyszler M, Barros AJD4.
Socio-demographic and economic inequalities in modern contraception in 11 low- and middle-income countries: an analysis of the PMA2020 surveys.
Blumenberg C, Hellwig F, Ewerling F, Barros AJD
Advances in the measurement of coverage for RMNCH and nutrition: from contact to effective coverage
Amouzou A, Leslie HH, Ram M On behalf of the Countdown Coverage Technical Working Group, et al
Measuring socioeconomic inequalities with predicted absolute incomes rather than wealth quintiles: a comparative assessment using child stunting data from national surveys.
Fink G, Victora CG, Harttgen K, Vollmer S, Vidaletti LP, Barros AJD.
Trends and inequalities in the nutritional status of adolescent girls and adult women in sub-Saharan Africa since 2000: a cross-sectional series study
Jiwani SS, Gatica-Domínguez G, Crochemore-Silva I, et al
Analyses of inequalities in RMNCH: rising to the challenge of the SDGs
Victora C, Boerma T, Requejo J, et al
11 years of tracking aid to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: estimates and analysis for 2003-13 from the Countdown to 2015
Grollman C, Arregoces L, Mart__nez-_Ålvarez M, Pitt C, Mills A, Borghi J.
Estimates of aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: findings from application of the Muskoka2 method, 2002-17
Dingle A, Schäferhoff M, Borghi J, Sabin ML, Arregoces L, Martinez-Alvarez M, et al.
Measuring the coverage of nutrition interventions along the continuum of care: time to act at scale
Gillespie S, Menon P, Heidkamp R, et al
Trends in the alignment and harmonization of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health funding, 2008-13.
Martinez-Alvarez M, Acharya A, Arregoces L, Brearley L, Pitt C, Grollman C, Borghi J.
Harmful practices in the management of childhood diarrhea in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Carter E, Bryce J, Perin J, Newby H.
Wealth-related inequalities in the coverage of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health interventions in 36 countries in the African Region
Wehrmeister FC, Fay_© CM, da Silva ICM, et al.
Countdown to 2015: an analysis of donor funding for prenatal and neonatal health, 2003-2013
Pitt C, Grollman C, Mart__nez-_Ålvarez M, Arregoces L, Lawn JE, Borghi J.
Meeting demand for family planning within a generation: prospects and implications at country level.
Choi Y, Short Fabic M, Hounton S, Koroma D.
Are the poorest poor being left behind? Estimating global inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Barros AJD, Wehrmeister FC, Ferreira LZ, et al.
Health workforce metrics pre- and post-2015: a stimulus to public policy and planning
Pozo-Martin F, Nove A, Castro Lopes S, Campbell J, Buchan J, Dussault G, Kunjumen T, Cometto G, Siyam A.
State of inequality: Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Hosseinpoor AR, Bergen N, Schlotheuber A, International Center for Equity in Health.
Reasons for nonuse of contraceptive methods in women with demand for contraception not satisfied: an assessment of low and middle-income countries using Demographic and Health Surveys
Moreira LR; Ewerling F; Barros, AJD; Silveira, MF.
How Ethiopia achieved Millennium Development Goal 4 through multisectoral interventions: a Countdown to 2015 case study
Ruducha J, Mann C, Singh NS, Gemebo TD, Tessema NS, Baschieri A, Friberg I, Zerfu TA, Yassin M, Franca GA, Berman P.
Closing the inequality gaps in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health coverage: slow and fast progressors
Amouzou A, Jiwani SS, da Silva ICM Countdown 2030 Coverage Technical Working Group, et al
Socioeconomic inequalities in the prevalence of underweight, overweight, and obesity among women aged 20-49 in low- and middle-income countries
Reyes Matos U, Mesenburg MA, Victora CG.
Socioeconomic inequalities in skilled birth attendance and child stunting in selected low and middle income countries: Wealth quintiles or deciles?
Wong KLM, Restrepo-M_©ndez MC, Barros AJD, Victora CG.
Patterns and trends of postpartum family planning in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria: evidence of missed opportunities for integration
Hounton S, Winfrey W, Barros AJ, Askew I.
Structural determinants of gender inequality: why they matter for adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health
George AS, Amin A, de Abreu Lopes CM, Ravindran TKS
Diarrhea management in children under five in sub-Saharan Africa: does the source of care matter? A Countdown analysis
Carvajal-V_©lez L, Amouzou A, Perin J, Ma_Øga A, Tarekegn H, Akinyemi A, Shiferaw S, Young M, Bryce J, Newby H.
Fluid curtailment during childhood diarrhea: a countdown analysis
Perin J, Carvajal-Velez L, Carter E, Bryce J, Newby H.
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa: who is left behind?
Melesse DY, Mutua MK, Choudhury A, et al
Within country inequalities in caesarean section rates: observational study of 72 low and middle income countries.
Boatin AA, Schlotheuber A, Betran AP, et al.
Trends in contraceptive use and distribution of births with demographic risk factors in Ethiopia: a sub-national analysis
Shiferaw, S., Abdullah, M., Mekonnen, Y., Ma_Øga, A., Akinyemi, A., Amouzou, A., Friedman, H., Barros, A. J., & Hounton, S. (2015).